Tuesday, November 12, 2013

War Crims In Srilanka

Britains PM says ‘I am not happy with what they’ve done following the conflict and we’ll have some very frank conversations’. He says he is coming to Sri Lanka to visit the North for himself. That is good news.
Sri Lankan authorities need to show him what the North looked like under LTTE rule and he can then see ‘what we’ve done’ in just 4 years. Sri Lanka’s authorities should not forget or think it not ‘civilized’ not to show him all the photos of the crimes LTTE has committed to see if the British Premiers reaction would be similar to how he reacted after watching Channel 4 and then ask him why Sri Lanka should ONLY conduct investigations into the final phase of the war when LTTE killed thousands of civilians and left a similar number injured? Do their tragedy not matter, are these civilians not worthy of human rights privileges too or is it only for Tamil civilians because foreign parliamentarians who come to point fingers do so because when they go back home they need to count votes! Lets be candid. Britain does not have ANY moral, ethical right to be preaching. Its colonial crimes have been no better than the crimes it orders its troops to commit in the contemporary scene. These state orders are what we now would like to highlight and not individual and isolated cases of soldier misbehavior.
Now that Cameron has said he was coming to  "shine a spotlight" on human rights concerns in Sri Lanka, we like to bring to the attention of the world the human rights violations of UK that continue from ancient times to even contemporary with UK joining the US in openly supplying, training and funded rebel movements. What they did in the past clandestinely these Governments are now doing openly. On what moral grounds do we waste time listening to such countries speak on human rights when they are violating it by creating groups to start chaos and mayhem in countries so that they can use this as an excuse to militarily invade nations and then take over their natural resources.
Britain joined US and NATO to eliminate a dictator in Iraq – how many Iraqi’s did the British soldiers bring to safety? Sri Lanka’s soldiers saved close to 300,000 Tamil ‘civilians’(inverted commas because they were part-time combatants – voluntarily or forced BUT the armed forces treated them as civilians)
 · Did Lord Goldsmith, the former attorney general not declare that the Iraq was illegal but had to drop his advice because of intense pressures from Tony Blair – Sri Lanka did not carry out any illegal invasion or occupation. Sri Lanka’s armed forces and the country’s President was well within their legal right to declare a Just War on LTTE terrorists after courting them for countless foreign initiated peace talks and ceasefires.
· Did Lord Bingham one of the most respected legal luminaries in the UK not declare that British occupation had been, “sullied by a number of incidents, most notably the shameful beating to death of Mr. Baha Mousa [a hotel receptionist]”. He goes on to say that “If I am right that the invasion of Iraq by the US, the UK, and some other states was unauthorised by the [United Nations] Security Council there was, of course, a serious violation of international law and the rule of law.’ “For the effect of acting unilaterally was to undermine the foundation on which the post-1945 consensus had been constructed: the prohibition of force (save in self-defence, or perhaps, to avert an impending humanitarian catastrophe) unless formally authorised by the nations of the world empowered to make collective decisions in the Security Council.”
·  Why did UK and Allies need to use over 320-tons of uranium bombs in Iraq since 1991 to get rid of just ONE man?
·  Does the Iraq War Logs not reveal that most of the acts of torture and murder were committed in the open  
·  How about the High Court appeal case brought by Public Interest Lawyers (PIL) in response to the British government’s decision not to order a single public inquiry into the hundreds of cases in which Iraqi civilians have alleged abuse and mistreatment.
·  UK inspite of signing the Convention Against Torture (1987) and the Human Rights Act has not changed the UK practice of hooding, stress positions, subjection to noise, sleep deprivation, food and drink deprivation techniques still used even in 2003 as revealed at the Baha Mousa Inquiry. Sir William Gage’s report, published on 8 September, on the Baha Mousa Inquiry said ‘there was widespread ignorance of what was permitted in handling prisoners of war’. 
· Is it not true that Ministry of Defence was forced to announce that another public inquiry is to take place into allegations that 19-year-old Hamid Al-Sweady, and up to 19 other Iraqis, was unlawfully killed at Camp Abu Naji, a British base in May 2004. There is evidence that some victims were mutilated before they died. Martyn Day, a lawyer involved in the case, stated that soldiers and officers may have covered up what was “one of the most atrocious episodes in British army history”.
· Ministry of Defence has initiated its own Iraq Historic Allegations Team (IHAT) investigation. IHAT, which was first concocted by the previous Labour government as claims of systematic abuse by British soldiers mounted,
David Cameron also professes to have viewed the controversial documentary by Channel 4 directed by Callum MacCrae the new spokesman for the LTTE. Having watched it he says it is  "one of the most chilling documentaries" he had watched. This sounds no different to our former President referred to by most as the bandit queen now planning to come as the common candidate for the next election, who also makes guest appearance on the film claiming that her son cried and said he was ashamed to be a Sinhalese. We wonder why he did not cry when villages were razed to the ground by the LTTE, pregnant mothers killed, women and children hacked to death while sleeping by the LTTE, student Buddhist monks killed one after another after waylaying their bus, or children killed in a mosque while praying or maybe he has also forgotten that his own mother lost an eye after LTTE tried to assassinate her.
These crocodile tears are good for  the likes of all those now enjoying LTTE funds to do as they say or those who speak as they do because they are counting votes that would bring them to Parliament no different to why Manmohan chickened out of coming to CHOGM highlighting how celluloid Tamil Nadu has now taken Eelam from Sri Lanka to India with Nedumaran putting up a statute of Prabakaran and his son and Indian authorities simply doing nothing about it because India is run by a widow who according to Dr. Subramaniam Swamy smuggled Indian artifacts out of India using the LTTE, and LTTE assassinated her own husband. 

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