After the Civil War - Sri Lanka relies on Tourism
The guns have fallen silent in Sri
Lanka's bloody civil war, but the deep wounds of conflict have not even begun
to heal. The re-election of President Mahindra Rajapakse seems unlikely to move
Sri Lanka to long term peace. His post war policies are deepening the division
between various ethnic groups. There is no effort to make Sri Lanka a more
inclusive state. Yet, tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka have increased
According to the tourism officials
of the country, tourist arrivals grew by an impressive 50 percent or an
increase to 160,000 from 106,000 visitors in the first quarter of 2010,
compared to 2009. This year, the island expects over half a million tourist
arrivals. However, the shrinking democracy under President Rajapakse prevents
the majority from getting the benefits of this post war-economic development.
Rather, this development is going to help mostly business interests.
In the rush of bringing new tourism
projects, government started appropriating Tamil territories and bulldozing
various Tamil landmarks. The authorities also proposed to replace the homes of
the LTTE leaders with hotels and accommodation facilities. The Sri Lankan
tourism industry creates new inequality and is further increasing the conflicts
rather than bringing peace and cross-cultural understanding.
Many tourists hardly leave their
hotels and meet the local people. They are not aware of Sri Lanka's poor human
rights record. An estimated 300,000 Tamil civilians remain prisoners in
internment camps run by the Singhalese government using military. The country
is rated as the fourth most dangerous place in the world for journalists, even
more dangerous than Afghanistan. Many journalists have been killed or jailed in
this country.
New challenges
Government is announcing mega
tourism projects and incentives to attract foreign investment. The tourism
sector is earmarked as the most priority sector. 45 tourism zones have been
introduced by Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority. Most of the new projects
are planned in the North East. An investor from South India enjoys a lot of
support from the Sri Lankan government, such as subsidies, free land for lease
for 35 years. "Sometimes you can get exemptions from certain laws and
regulations", he says.
Sri Lanka is developing a highly
centralized, investment-intensive mass tourism in a post-war situation. All
these developments are not considering the environment. In many locations along
the coast, mangrove forests have already been cleared over the last twenty
years to make way for tourism. Various tourism policies mention environmental
protection and coastal conservation, but in reality there is no weight on this.
The livelihood options of traditional communities like fisher folk are at
stake. In many tourism destinations, their access to the beach and adjacent
land is denied by the hoteliers.
Lack of transparency and
Many tourism projects are proposed
in ecologically sensitive areas and needs lot of resources which are essential
for community livelihoods. There are no consultations with local communities
and local participation in decision making, policy formulation and
implementation is completely lacking. John Pilla Padmanabhan*, a fisherman from
Kalpitiya, has no information about the proposed project there. His community
lives in fear because they can be displaced at any time. Now the development of
roads is taking place.
"In Batticaloa even ministers
are allocating land to many people. No information is available and there is no
transparency in these deals. They are taking advantage of the post-war
situation for their business interests. We do not have any idea what is coming
in and where. Everything is rumours. People cannot do anything against
this", says Sunitha Kumari*, a social activist from Colombo. Nobody even
wants to talk about these issues. People are really afraid of military and
police actions, especially in the North-East.
Tourism fosters military
Out of every tourist dollar spent in
the country, a significant portion goes to the island's military, further
contributing to human rights violations. Though the civil war officially ended
in May 2009, Sri Lanka's military spending still accounts for 15 percent of
budget expenditure. The government is maintaining the huge military apparatus
to strengthen the military occupation of the island's Tamil dominated districts
of the north and the east. The defence spending for 2010 has been estimated to
be $1.64 billion, only slightly less than the $1.65 billion in the previous
In the decades long civil war Sri Lanka lost an
active civil society which can pressurize and act for better civil liberties
and rights for its citizens. The recent change of Colombo's economic strategy
to rely on Asian countries for arms, aid and investment made European
intervention more difficult. But in the case of tourism, Sri Lanka is still relying
on the western market
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